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These Cookies are used to compile basic usage and user statistics based on how our web pages are used (e.g. via Google Tag Manager, Piwik PRO). If you accept these Cookies, you simultaneously consent to your data being processed and transmitted to the United States by services such as Salesforce Pardot (for information on the risks involved read Clause 1.5 of our Privacy Policy). Details about the tools we use are available under 'More information'.

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Sustainable Finance

We have made a name for ourselves as a pioneer in ‘green’ financing.
Since 2019 we have been linking all long-term elements of our corporate financing to a sustainability component. This means that, depending on how we score in the ESG categories of Environmental, Social and Governance, our financing costs will either decrease or increase.

Sustainable Finance Framework published

Our → Sustainable Finance Framework provides the framework for future corporate financing guided by sustainability principles. It specifies how sustainable financing instruments, such as green bonds and “Schuldschein” loans, are to be used. We thus create an important prerequisite for being able to raise funds on the financial market for environmental and climate protection projects or the development of sustainable products. The projects include, for example, the construction of energy-efficient buildings and the installation of photovoltaic systems and charging stations for electric cars at the locations.

Dietmar Heinrich (CFO of Dürr AG)
Dietmar Heinrich
CFO of Dürr AG

With our Sustainable Finance Framework, we offer investors the opportunity to support sustainable projects – with a high degree of transparency and credibility.

In addition, we have determined three sustainability indicators. If these are met, interest payments will decrease; if they are not met, however, the payments will increase. A target value known as the Sustainability Performance Target (SPT) was defined for each indicator. One example of this are the reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions embedded in our → climate strategy. In addition, we are committed to improving a → sustainability rating prepared by the ISS ESG agency.

EcoVadis rating as a benchmark for sustainability

We have linked several financing instruments to the development of our sustainability rating. This is how ecologically and socially responsible business operations also have a financial pay-off for us, for example through reduced interest rates or avoided compensation payments.

The sustainability rating prepared by the EcoVadis rating agency is applicable. In its assessment, EcoVadis considers the categories of environment, labor and human rights as well as integrity and procurement. The respective scores are weighted differently in the final result, taking into account the sector to which a company belongs. The 21 assessment criteria make up a maximum score of 100 points. Some of the aspects taken into account are energy and water consumption, CO2 emissions as well as anti-corruption protection and social practices of suppliers.

Increase to 80 points

We have increased our rating by 8 points compared to the previous year. With a current score of 80 points, we are among the top 1% of all the companies rated by EcoVadis.

  • 2020
  • 2021
  • March 2022
  • March 2024

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