The MSCI ESG Ratings are primarily aimed at institutional investors. When making investment decisions, they increasingly take into account how companies deal with opportunities and risks with respect to Environmental, Social and Governance issues.
Dietmar Heinrich, CFO of Dürr AG: “Sustainability performance has become increasingly important as an investment criterion. Our good MSCI ESG Rating is proof of quality and an important aid in the evaluation of Dürr AG on the capital market.”
The MSCI rating is composed of the partial results achieved in the three categories of governance (e.g. corporate governance, protection against corruption), environmental (e.g. emissions, environmentally friendly products) and social issues (e.g. labor relations). The performance achieved in the governance category, in which Dürr AG achieved the best partial result, is given the strongest weighting. In the other categories, the company also performed above average in the mechanical and plant engineering industry. The evaluation scale of the MSCI Rating is divided into seven grades, ranging from CCC to the top rating of AAA.