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Risk Management

The following risk management-related information is part of the extensive Dürr Group risk management report in our Annual Report 2024. Details can be accessed in the → risk management report.

Our strategy is to manage the risks associated with our entrepreneurial actions so as to achieve a balanced ratio to the opportunities. To this end, we make use of an effective risk management system.

Scope of application

Our risk management system is deployed throughout the Group. It has existed in its fundamental structure since 2008, and is continually adapted to new requirements. The Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board had an audit of the appropriateness of the risk management system for the year 2022 conducted by an external auditing company in accordance with Auditing Standard 981 of the German Institute of Public Auditors. The audit revealed that the rules and regulations of the risk management system are effective, appropriate, and suitable to identify, assess, manage, control and monitor the material risks endangering the achievement of Dürr’s strategic corporate goals and its related operating targets with an adequate degree of certainty in good time.


Our risk management system is designed to meet the needs of the mechanical and plant engineering business. It allows for a systematic, consistent risk recording, analysis and, to the extent possible, assessment, and for effective countermeasures to be initiated at an early stage to avoid serious individual risks, to transfer transferable risks to third parties where this makes economic sense, and generally to reduce the overall risk. We document all specific risks, provided that they are identifiable and sufficiently concrete. Non-quantifiable strategic risks as well as general risks with a low probability of occurring are not taken into account, unless they are risks with very high damage potential (referred to as extreme risks). We also document and evaluate our opportunities; the relevant information is contained in the → “Opportunities” page 88 chapter of the Annual Report 2024.

Methods and processes

The risk management system covers all essential business and decision-making processes. We maintain open dealings with risks and encourage employees to report any misdirected developments at an early stage. The risk management process takes account of all risks of the participating companies. The central risk management team at Dürr AG initiates the nine-stage process every six months. The centerpiece of this standard risk cycle is the risk inventory of the Group’s companies. In the risk inventory, individual risks are identified, assessed and consolidated, i.e. classified into 16 specific risk fields (see chart). The risk fields cover management, core and supporting processes as well as external risk areas.

The assessment of individual risks is carried out by the risk managers of the operating units and by Dürr AG. They use the risk management manual as well as risk structure spreadsheets to do so. The assessment process consists of three stages: First of all, the damage potential is calculated, i.e. the maximum impact on EBIT and equity that can result from a risk in the following 24 months. Next, we assess the probability of occurrence of a specific risk. In a third step, the effectiveness of possible countermeasures is examined and assessed using a risk-reducing factor.

The bottom line is the net risk, i.e. the net equity risk that remains after taking the probability of occurrence and the effectiveness of countermeasures into account. The lower the probability of occurrence and the higher the effectiveness of countermeasures, the lower the net risk is. The net risks of the 16 risk fields correspond to the sum total of net risks of all individual risks assigned to them. Depending on the extent of the net risk, each risk field is assigned to one of the four following categories:

The net risks of all 16 risk fields are totaled to produce the Group’s entire potential risk exposure (aggregate net equity risk). Interdependencies between material individual risks as well as between net risks of the 16 risk fields are analyzed and included in the overall risk potential. The overall risk potential is subsequently compared to the risk-bearing capacity. The key figures for risk-bearing capacity are the expected development of liquidity over the next two years and the expected equity in two years. If the overall risk potential exceeds a certain threshold, the Board of Management is informed in order to initiate risk-reducing measures without delay. Should the overall risk potential exceed one of the two key figures for risk-bearing capacity, the Company’s continued existence is assumed to be in danger.

The Group companies and divisions prepare their risk reports after the risk inventory has been completed. These reports constitute the basis for the Group Risk Report of Dürr AG, containing information on individual risks and overall risk. Following an analysis by the Board of Management and the Dürr Management Board, the Group Risk Report is forwarded to the Supervisory Board and then discussed at length by the Audit Committee. Next, the Audit Committee Chairman reports to the Supervisory Board.

Acute risks are reported without delay to the Board of Management and the Heads of the relevant divisions. The risk managers of the Group, divisions and Group companies are responsible for the process of identifying, assessing, managing and monitoring risks as well as for reporting; in most cases, these are the CFOs of the Group companies or the Heads of the controlling departments. The Internal Audit department is also involved and verifies compliance with the defined processes on a regular basis.

Overall risk situation

The risk management system in the 2024 fiscal year encompassed the entire Dürr Group, including the discontinued operation. Since a potential sale of the environmental technology business would not be completed until toward the end of 2025, the overall risk potential adequately reflects the current risk situation of the Dürr Group.

The overall risk potential at the end of 2024 amounted to €605 million, an increase of approximately €33 million or 5.8% year-on-year. We noted a substantial decline in procurement risks. In particular, the easing supply chain situation and lower material and energy costs contributed to this development. 
Project execution risks likewise decreased, chiefly because the cost-cutting measures carried out in Woodworking Machinery and Systems had no adverse impact on operating business. In contrast, additional and increased risks are inherent in the market weakness of automotive producers and suppliers along with the persistently low demand in the stand-alone machinery business of Woodworking Machinery and Systems. Further risks arise due to the possible sale of the environmental technology business and as a result of the merger of Paint and Final Assembly Systems and Application Technology in the new Automotive division. Moreover, geopolitical risks have increased owing to the growing conflict between China and Taiwan, as well as trade wars and restrictions.

At the end of 2024, “Market”, “Finance/Controlling” and “Taxes/ Legislation/Compliance” were the most important risk fields in absolute terms, followed by “Economic environment/Capital market” and “Project execution/Engineering”. The overall risk potential includes the net risk potential of 296 assessed individual risks (previous year: 288). The main reasons for the increase are the projects to optimize the Group structure and focus on the core business, such as the merger of Paint and Final Assembly Systems and Application Technology to form the new Automotive division, or the review of strategic options for the environmental business. The overall risk potential accounts for slightly more than half of the risk-bearing capacity. We do not consider it to be a cause for concern, however; it still remains well manageable. Among other things, this is supported by the successful measures implemented to adjust to the market downturn in woodworking technology and the ongoing focus of our business on the automation of production processes. No risks are discernible at present that might endanger the Group’s continued existence as a going concern, either individually or collectively with other risks.

Risk field Net risk 2024
very low1 low2 medium3 high4
Economic environment / capital market x
Sales / bid phase x
Project execution / engineering x
Taxes / legislation / compliance x
Market x
Research & development x
Competition x
Procurement x
Human resources x
IT x
Corporate / information security x
Manufacturing x
Sustainability x
After-sales phase x
Finance / controlling x
Management process x
1 (≤ €5 million)
2 (> €5 million to ≤ €20 million)
3 (> €20 million to ≤ €40 million)
4 (> €40 million)

Please find all information regarding our risk management in the → risk management report in our Annual Report 2024.

Tax Risk Strategy of the Dürr Group

Under UK tax law, we are obliged to publish our tax risk strategy. Further details can be found HERE (only available in English).