A fundamental differentiation is now made between Java 8 and later versions. Commercial use of JDK or JRE releases from Oracle for versions up to and including Java 8 will still be free. However, as of January 2019, there will be no more free updates (bug fixes).
The new licensing terms and conditions exclude the free commercial use of Java 11 and later versions.
As a consequence of the changes to the licensing terms and conditions, Oracle is offering customers a paid license for Java. Java 8 users can still obtain free updates.
How is iTAC responding to these changes?
Basically, a switch over to HTML5 will gradually reduce Java dependency on the desktop.
In other words, the existing rich clients will be replaced by HTML5 web technologies. Java will still be a strategic component, especially on the server.
Oracle JRE 8 with the last free update will still be used on the server and client side for the current iTAC.MES.Suite versions, including the upcoming Release 9.10.
As of release 9.20, Zulu Java VM from Azul Systems, which is based on Open JDK, will be used on the server side. Updates and security fixes will be available for the Java Zulu VM until March 2026 (status January 2019).
Since this JDK will not have a Web Start application, it must be possible to deploy a Web Start client on a separate computer for problem analysis purposes in order that iTAC can provide support. If this is not possible, please contact our support team to discuss other options.
iTAC will continue to validate all clients with the latest paid Java 8 updates and security fixes from Oracle. If you want to use these updates or security fixes you will have to purchase license subscriptions in the Oracle store.
Oracle will continue providing commercial support until March 2022 (status January 2019).
The use of an OpenJDK in rich client applications will not be supported by iTAC.
Source: https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/java-se-support-roadmap.html